Read Before 1st Training- Personal Attendant (PA) Duties
- Wash hands at start of visit.
- Greet Don. Water Management needed? Suction needed?
- Read the latest reports, cross off your name.
- Read and follow the caregivers white board.
- Check Current Calendar for your schedule, and update Draft of Next Months Calendar.
- Does posted Staff Chart have your most current phone number and address?
- Do you have all of the caregivers phone numbers in your cell phone?
- Feed Don food and "meds" (see menu chart in kitchen)
- Suction and/or burp as needed
- Assist Don with communication computer set up and use
- Important, if Don is in his wheelchair and starts coughing out of control, do the following quickly:
- Clamp burp tube
- Put shoes on
- Raise feet up all the way
- Do mouth suction
- Driving to doctors, errands, and for outings.
- Going on walks with Don.
- Help CNA with transfers, ROM, comfort breaks, and shower as needed.
- Shower days are Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. There's routine on shower days for the trash. Sunday replace the bathroom plastic bag. Wednesday replace both bags in the bedroom. Friday replace the bag in the living-room.
- Wash dishes and wipe down kitchen
- Do Don’s laundry as needed.
- Important, Don's brown bathroom two towels always washed with dark clothes. Never in bleach!
- Remove any of Don’s wash from dryer, fold and put away.
- Fill water bottles on feeding cart and container on kitchen counter from 5 gallon in garage.
- Fill drinking water bottle in refrigerator, teapot and ice cube trays from 5 gallon in garage.
- Empty and clean both suction machines only if more than half full.
- Tidy, and keep tidy, living-room, kitchen, bath and Don’s bedroom. If the floor needs sweeping, do it.
- Restock paper towels, Q-tips, wipes, Kleenex, soap, toilet paper, etc. as needed
- Keep Living-room Care Cart clean and organized. Keep one clean blue wash cloth and yellow towel on cart.
- Remove any smelly trash, and empty any full trash in Don’s room, living-room, kitchen and bathroom.
- Dirty diapers always get put in the garage trash.
- Tidy, and keep tidy, living-room, kitchen, bath and Don’s bedroom.
- Wheelchair bag has full bottle of water, 2 clean food tubes for food and burping, burp clip and blue wash cloth. Remove all meds and food.
- Front pocket of wheelchair bag has wallet, glasses and sunglasses, and spellboard.
- In addition, PAs are occasionally asked to assist with non-routine duties as needed for Don’s health and comfort.
- BOTH suction machines empty and clean only if half full?
- BOTH Ventilators (Big and Little Bertha) plugged in and charging?
- Humidifier (Baby Bertha) on?
- Trach tube straight with circuit flowing down the front of Don with PEEP line curved UP?
- Black hand switch set up?
- Rice pack on Don or in microwave?
- Smelly or overflowing trash emptied?
- Complete your Worklog (timesheet) each visit.
- Check posted schedule. Notify Don and make any changes or corrections to current Calendar.
- Tell Don when you return to work.
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