2nd TRAINING- Driving Checklist
Empty bottle
4 Red Catheters
Baggies of at least 4 Gloves
Hat? Arm Warmers? Jacket? Blanket?
Is ERICA needed?
REPLENISH ANY USED SUPPLIES- Clean and Replace Suction Machine
You MUST have your cell phone whenever you take Don out!
Back Pack-
- Extra Water Bottle
- 2-3 Food tubes- one for burping
- Clips and wash cloth for burping
- Food/snack and meds for time away
- Front pocket- Wallet
- Glasses/Sunglasses
- Spell Board
Suction Machine in carrying bag-
Water in bottleEmpty bottle
4 Red Catheters
Baggies of at least 4 Gloves
Hat? Arm Warmers? Jacket? Blanket?
Is ERICA needed?
In Van
- Emergency clothing
- Extra feeding tube, aspirin, etc.
- Ambu Bag
- Extra White Circuit
- ERICA L brace to mount on the wheelchair
- Turn on AC in summer and heat (only after warm up) in winter.
- Open ramp without “kneeling” onto curb. Open ramp with “kneeling” onto flat.
- Remove head band- set tilt to 6, feet to 80 to enter Van.
- Tuck in left hand and elbow; don’t want to loose any fingers or skin.
- Gently push shoulder so head doesn’t hit top of door while going through door.
- Once inside raise head and tilt chair back a little to hold head. Quickly replace head band snug.
- Center WC in between seats and back up WC all the way back until back wheels hit back seat.
- Set tilt to 14 and raise feet up as far as possible.
- Don’t drive over Little Bertha car cord. Plug Little Bertha and Suction Machine in to car cords. Check power cords in socket to see if green light is on.
- Always suction before driving
- Bib sticking out to keep brace clean?
- Use big seat belt for highway driving.
- CHECK that blue tube on Bertha doesn't pop off.
- Watch carefully for road bumps and go slowly to save Don’s neck.
- Take turns VERY slowly (about 5 miles per hour).
- Use flashers to go slowly over railroad tracks. Turn them on early, BEFORE braking for tracks
- Listen to the preset radio stations.
Learn how to operate windshield wipers and headlights. - Check on Don constantly. Minimum every 5 minutes.
- Open windows? Turn on heat? AC?
- If warm, open windows rather than AC.
- Check three vents above radio to see if open.
- Point to lower heat/AC dials one at a time to see which needs adjusting.
- If vent alarm goes off- Put on Flashers, pull over and STOP Van. Check Don.
- If Don is not breathing well-
- Check trach at neck and follow circuit back to vent. Any breaks or leaks?
- If Don is still having trouble breathing-
- Get Ambu Bag.
- While breathing for Don, call for help.
- If breathing okay-
- Check alarm status.
- Low or Lost Power? Check cord to car battery (green light on?)
- Use Lithium Battery if needed.
- Low Pressure? Check for leak or crimp in circuit.
- Close ALL windows- do not forget back vent windows. Always lock van.
- Keep van running and AC/heat on until Don is out of van.
- Unplug BOTH power cords and tuck it on front seat arm rest.
- Set tilt to 6, feet to 80.
- Remove head band.
- While exiting van, hold shoulder to prevent Don’s head from falling forward.
- Take Ambu Bag and Suction Machine everywhere.
- Park on left (west) side of driveway
- If gas tank only ¼ or less let us know!
REPLENISH ANY USED SUPPLIES- Clean and Replace Suction Machine
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